With the end of school drawing near, parents (and some students) are starting to think about whether they will continue with their tutoring or not during the summer months. As in any topic, there are pros and cons, and which point falls into which category will depend on the individual. Whether or not you decide to continue or start with tutoring over the summer, it is important to keep in mind that everyone needs a break. The break can be as simple as taking a couple of weeks off or lowering the number of lessons every week. In short, the only person/people who can answer whether tutoring over the summer is worth it are those that are directly involved (parents, guardians, students, etc.).
Some points to consider and place in the category which is most appropriate for you (pro or con) include:
- How prepared does the student feel for the next grade? This point is not to be confused with the grades the student has received (see below). Some students can have extremely high marks and still feel they are not ready enough which causes feelings of anxiety.
- Whether the student will be taking summer school/summer courses. Some students take summer school or summer courses to help lessen the load during the regular school year. If the student is taking classes which they are not comfortable with or which are considered difficult, they might consider a tutor.
- For specific subjects, a student’s grades can be an indicator that more help is needed. If a student has poor grades in a subject/multiple subjects, a little more help in understanding the material might be needed. Some students also feel they are not being challenged enough in the course and do not put in the required amount of work.
- Whether the student would like a head start for next year. Some students feel more confident moving into a higher grade if they know at least some of what is to be covered. This does not need to be completed with a tutor. For example, if the student knows which books they will be reading in the coming year, they can take the summer to read them. This way, when the student reads them again during the year, there will be less confusion/stress with other school work.

Tutoring over the summer can have a more relaxed atmosphere since there is no stress over tests or marks.
- Evaluate whether you/the student is feeling “burned out”. Feeling exhausted can be a sign that your body is telling you to take a step back and relax for a bit (the subject will be waiting for you when you return refreshed). In fact, returning to a problem after taking some time away can help with finding the answer. This is not to say that you should take too long away from a problem, but you should find an amount of time that lets you feel refreshed and ready to study again. No one wants to start the new school year feeling more tired than when they finished the previous one.
- The financing of summer tutoring might be a concern. Tutoring is not a cheap service and having a break for a couple of months over the summer can start to add up.
- Consider the time/place constraints with tutoring. Summer vacation is generally the break that most people use to spend more time with their children. Something to keep in mind is whether your child will be able (or willing) to focus on their studies if they are thinking about (or already on) their vacation. This will not be a productive use of time. It might make sense to pause tutoring over the summer (if you choose to continue with it) around the time families are planning their vacations.
- Ask your tutor for their summer availability. Sometimes, the decision is made for you by your child’s regular tutor. If the tutor is taking the summer months off to relax, you might be reluctant to find another one and might also pause tutoring.
Here we’ve provided a quick summary of points that students and parents/guardians often consider when they are planning their summer months. Which of the above points are considered for or against for tutoring over the summer is a question only the people who are directly involved (students, parents, guardians, etc.) can answer.
Considering tutoring over the summer?: