Effective study habits are the cornerstone of successful learning. Promoting good study habits can make a significant difference in the learning process for students striving for academic excellence. In this blog post, we’ll explore the study habits that can, with a bit of time and effort, make a difference for students.
- Time Management is Key: Effective time management is the foundation of successful study habits. Students are encouraged to create schedules that allocate dedicated time for studying and breaks. This helps prevent procrastination and ensures the efficient use of study time. Having dedicated study time can allow students to learn when they work best (early in the morning, afternoon, evening, etc.) and create a schedule around their preferences. For example, a student might see that they learn best in the early afternoon. Therefore, they schedule their study time for when they return from school to be more productive.
- Active Learning and Reading
We’ve covered this topic in a previous blog post (which you can read here), but we’ll provide a quick summary. Instead of passively reading or just highlighting text, students should engage in active learning methods such as summarizing, questioning, going back, making connections or teaching the material to someone else. This method helps the student internalize the material and have it make sense to them.
- Active Learning and Reading
- Creating a Healthy Study Environment We’ve covered this topic in a previous blog post (which you can read here). In short, a quiet, organized, and well-lit study environment can significantly boost productivity. Minimizing distractions, and ensuring all necessary study materials are readily available can help make your study time more productive (and thus lower the amount of time you need to spend studying).

Helpful Hint
By creating a proper study space, you can lower the amount of time you need to spend studying. For example, if you spend 15 minutes of every school day trying to find your textbook, notebook, or looking at your phone, this is 75 minutes that you are not studying. If, instead, you decide to create a study space that is more suited to your studying, you can reward yourself with a 15 minute break.

- Give Yourself Regular Breaks and Reward Yourself
Short, regular breaks during study sessions can help maintain focus and prevent burnout. How long a break should be will depend on a lot of factors, such as the intensity of the subject matter, how tired the student is, and whether there are assignments they also need to complete. Rewarding yourself for a productive study session is a great way to keep yourself motivated and to have a positive association with studying. What the reward is will depend on the student. For some, having a small chocolate is a reward, while for others, a quick walk around the block. It is important for students to find out what works for them.
- Give Yourself Regular Breaks and Reward Yourself
- Try a Variety of Study Techniques
Different subjects may require different study techniques. For instance, flashcards may work well for memorization, while math, and the sciences require problem-solving, which means plenty of practice. Students are encouraged to try different techniques within different areas of study. Some students may find that they are one type of learner for math and the sciences, another type learner for English and languages and yet a third type for other subjects. The only way a student will be able to learn which study technique works best for them is to try different ones and see which one(s) are the best fit.
- Try a Variety of Study Techniques
- Be Consistent
Consistency is vital for the development of good study habits. Students should aim to follow a routine that they have set (or set with someone else). Doing something when you feel like it is not good enough for things that need time to develop. Studying is a skill that needs to be developed. Now, this doesn’t mean that when something comes up you need to continue studying just because you have set that time. For example, a student has a large assignment due in a week, and they decide that they should postpone some of their study time to after the assignment is complete in order to do their best work.
- Be Consistent
- Use Technology
Incorporate technology where it can enhance the learning process. Various apps and online tools can aid in time management, organization, and interactive learning. NB: Do not just farm out your assignment to AI software, as this is not a good studying technique. Without knowledge of what the AI is writing, the student cannot make an assessment of whether it is correct (believe us, your teacher will know). Use technology as another tool in your academic box, but not as the only one.
- Use Technology
In conclusion, the development of effective study habits is onw that takes time and effort. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach but rather a personalized journey. By understanding that each student has unique needs and applying these tips, students can learn to create a conducive learning environment that fosters academic success. Remember that small changes in study habits can yield significant improvements in outcomes, making the journey towards knowledge acquisition more efficient and enjoyable. Studying does not need to be a chore. There are some tips which we’ve covered to help you along on the journey and to make it, if not more enjoyable, at least bearable.
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