High School Physics
From Absolutes to X-Rays – Our tutors have you covered.

Our Tutors Provide
Our Tutors Provide Expert Help With:
Grade 11:
- Kinematics
- Forces
- Energy and Society
- Waves and Sound
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Scientific Solutions to Contemporary
Environmental Challenges - Newton’s Laws of Motion
- Equilibrium
- Conservation of Energy
- Optics
- Electricity at Home and Work
Expert Help With:
Grade 12:
- Dynamics
- Energy and Momentum
- Gravitational, Electric, and Magnetic Fields
- The Wave
- Motion
- Nature of Light
- Revolutions in Modern Physics:
- Quantum
- Mechanics and
- Special Relativity
- Motion and Its Applications
- First Peoples knowledge and applications of forces in traditional technologies
- Mechanical Systems
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Energy Transformations
- Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems
- Astronomy (Science of the Universe)
- Planetary Science (Science of the Solar System)
- Recording Earth’s Geological History
- Earth Materials
- Geological Processes