Basically, a comparative essay involves comparing and contrasting two or more subjects (that generally involves both similarities and differences). The key to writing a good comparative essay lies not just in pointing out these aspects but in presenting a thoughtful interpretation and making connections.
You should start every essay with selecting suitable topics to cover. Sometimes, your instructor will give you a list of topics and it will be up to you to pick one. Other times, you will have free reign to decide what you’d like to write about (within the relevant subject matter, of course). While comparative essays in different subjects – literature, history, science, or any other field – might seem to be vastly different, they all have a similar style and flow. It is important to fully understand what is expected of you and to have a clear understanding of the subjects and their contexts.
Depending on whether you should do some research for your essay (as opposed to only being allowed to use a specific source), it might be useful for you to gather ample information about each subject independently. Remember to accurately cite all of the sources you consulted (getting caught plagiarising can have very negative and lasting consequences). Take notes, write down your ideas and highlighting important aspects that could serve as points of comparison. Organizing thoughts through brainstorming or using visual aids like Venn diagrams or charts can help you to avoid repetition and more easily sort ideas into similarities or differences.
The thesis statement acts as the umbrella of the essay. It encapsulates the essence of the comparative analysis, indicating the main argument and the subjects under scrutiny. In keeping with the umbrella symbol, if the idea does not support your thesis, leave it out in the rain.

Helpful Hint
Your teacher, teaching assistant, tutor or your peers can be excellent resources when writing a comparative essay.

For a comparative essay, it is necessary to limit the amount of description you provide and increase the analysis you do. Avoid merely listing facts about each subject. Try to get into the critical analysis as soon as possible. Highlight why certain similarities or differences matter, their implications, and the significance of these observations in understanding the subjects more deeply. It is important to mention that in general, you should choose whether you would like to cover similarities and differences in one paragraph or in separate ones. Try not to jump from similarity to difference to similarity, as this can cause confusion in readers.
As with any essay, it is not enough to just write it. You need to revise and edit. Check for coherence, clarity, and the strength of arguments. If something does not support your thesis statement, remove it (no matter how well said it is). Ensure the flow between paragraphs and the relevance of evidence presented. Try to achieve the best final product you can.
In conclusion, the key to a successful comparative essay lies in preparation, selecting the best topics and supporting arguments and presenting it effectively. It’s a journey that challenges your critical thinking and writing skills, rewarding you with a nuanced understanding of the subjects and the art of comparison itself.
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